This was a boy's trip. August 2018. Just my friend Trent and I driving the Ring Road in 10 days, as cheaply as possible. We ended up doing it in 7 and staying a few days around Reykjavík, but regardless, 10 days of two 200+ pound men in a Kia Rio with minimal (zero) showers was... fragrant.

We had a detailed itinerary of landscapes and sites to see. Driving away from the airport we realized this was going to be nigh impossible to stick to. Everything was a photo op. "Everywhere" was our ideal screensaver. So instead of making the tough calls, we just stopped for photos whenever we wanted to.

Once we'd stocked up on sheep jerky at the nearest Bónus and gotten educated by the cashier on how clean the water was from any stream, we were fueled up for some hikes.


Our sleep schedule was wacky (and humid in the car) and there were plenty of daylight hours, so we'd get up whenevs, drive to our listed spots, see, hike, photograph, repeat. There were a few days of this. We soon realized we were halfway around the island and only 1/3 of the way into our trip. So we decided to slow down a bit and take our time. It allowed for some surreal shots to be taken on the ol' a7sii.

Before we knew it, we were back in Reykjavík. Had we only scratched the surface of this beautiful land? Yes. But what a surface it was. Appreciating this type of beauty is innate. And we can't make it. We can move the mountains or tell the rain where to fall. Only One can, and I thanked Him many times for doing so on this quick little journey. If you're going here and want any advice/lessons learned, please reach out.
Without Ceasing,